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The WTCPB Commitment To Our Region

Since 2001 WTC Palm Beach continues to guide innovative ideas and concepts to the forefront; and to the betterment of our global business reach.
  • Hosted Thirty Foreign Diplomatic and Business Delegation Visits to Palm Beach County

  • Conducted Twenty International Trade Education Conferences and Seminars

  • Completed the first Palm Beach County Import/Export Database. Over 500 local companies engaged in importing/exporting into and/out of Palm Beach County were identified. These companies continually receive notices on international opportunities and educational seminars.

  • Completed the first Palm Beach County Real Estate Study quantifying the top four foreign countries for foreign direct investment into Palm Beach County. They were: Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and Venezuela. Worked with the Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches in their two outbound trade missions to the U.K. and Spain to promote Palm Beach County.

  • Signed six Memorandum of Understandings with World Trade Center’s located in cities with Max Planck Institutes in Germany. These MOUs will assist in the facilitation of communicating with German bioscience companies located in these designated areas. This connectivity will help to leverage Palm Beach County as the new and best place to locate for bioscience.

  • Completed an Analysis of “Best Practices” of International Finance Centers to determine which elements may be viable for implementation in Palm Beach County to create an international finance district.

  • Partnered with Palm Beach Community College in the development of curriculum for international trade certification.

  • Developed an international trade platform for Palm Beach County being an international business destination. The electronic magazine “FloriTrade” was created to serve as an international marketing piece that would be populated with information items on all aspects of Palm Beach County. This application awaits to be implemented and is anticipated to be included in our deliverables of the 2009 – 2010 contract period.

  • Developed an internet broadcast system in conjunction with WTC Cologne in furtherance of the efforts to rebrand PBC as an international business destination. This electronic medium is also ready to be implemented and anticipated to be included in the deliverables of the 2009 – 2010 contract.

  • Developed an internet broadcast system in conjunction with WTC Cologne in furtherance of the efforts to rebrand PBC as an international business destination. This electronic medium is also ready to be implemented and anticipated to be included in the deliverables of the 2009 – 2010 contract. to facilitate job creation for employable U.S. workers.

Today, at World Trade Center Palm Beach we strive to offer services designed to generate good, useful, leads to help our local business and industry — and encourage international business development.


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WTCA License Holder:  International Council of Advisors, LLC, dba World Trade Center Palm Beach • Alfred Zucaro Jr. President and Founder

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